Monday, October 10, 2011

The magic number

5. It's a big number. One you've been waiting on for a while. Your magic number. The number that makes you giggle. You love this number and I can't quite figure out what makes it so wonderful... but you can have it. It's all yours. You've earned it. We've both earned it. 5 years of full crazy days. 5 years of giggles, tantrums, less than wonderful eating habits and never-want-to-end cuddles.

You are 5.

You are my baby. My last. My sweet curly blond haired boy. Did you know I prayed for you to have blond curly hair and brown eyes like your daddy? And that you make faces and look more and more like my daddy every day? But that's where the similarities end. You are your own person.

You are one of the most strong-willed, determined, confident preschoolers I have ever met. You have an amazing memory, you love to learn, you have a can-do attitude about everything. You have a sweet heart and you love Jesus. What more can a mama ask for?

I love you my little Monkey. I hope "5" is everything you hope for!

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