Thursday, December 18, 2014

Moving Forward

It isn't lost on me that about 1.5 weeks ago I was laying in bed sending encouraging texts to my ex-husband's girlfriend and my husband's ex-wife.

That's really super awesome, right?

This whole grown-up, mature dealio... it's pretty cool.

I'm also very aware that this may not last very long or it could last a good chunk of time... however long it lasts, I'm going to cherish it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All in for Him

On Sunday December 14th, you took a big step.

You chose to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.

Do you know how incredibly beautiful that is? You chose to live out your life for Christ.
I know that at the tender age of 8, you understand the basics.

Jesus was born of the virgin Mary.
Jesus lived and shared God's love with many.
Jesus died for our sins.
To go to heaven and live eternally with Him, you know you must choose to live for Him and to love like Him.

You haven't yet realized that in this world, living for Him and loving like Him are difficult and most of the time the most difficult thing you'll do. It's a world where goodness is mocked, loving is questioned, and hope is quickly dying.

But you, sweet Monkey, will do beautiful things for His kingdom. I know this because I see you share His Word freely. I hear you share the Good News with your friends... You, sweet boy know who moves the mountains and you aren't afraid to ask Him.

I asked you that night if getting baptized was a hard decision and you said "Nope. I knew this was what I was meant to do my whole life.". I sure am praying that your spark for His goodness will stay strong in your heart for all your earthly life.

Congratulations on your baptism, Monkey. Welcome to the family, Brother!
Love always and eternally,


A question my kids ask often is whether or not I'm friends with their friends' moms. They want me to have those connections to the same people they do - let's face it, it's easier to get a ride somewhere if they know I know/am friends with the mom and sometimes it can even score you some popularity points.

For them, right now, they want to have a million friends and they want everyone to like them. It's important to them. I totally get that.

I'm in a place in my life where I have a ton of casual friends. You know, the friends I hug and am genuinely happy to I see, we do lunches and invite each other to baby showers and jewelry parties. We have a great time together, every time we get together. They are part of my possy.

However, I have very few authentic friends. 2... 3 at the very most. These relationships require work. They involve arguments, hurt feelings, encouragement, sharing of sins and triumphs... Transparently allowing each other to see our very worst and choosing to continue to love each other. They are the ones I can randomly text for 5 days in a row and then not talk to for weeks... and we're still good. They help me grow. We are authentic, open, forgiving.

In our lives we need both types of friends... and probably many more different types. This doesn't make any of the friends more or less valuable - they are just different. I cherish all of my different types of friendship. When my kids ask how many friends I have... I have to really think about it. Because I am surrounded by lots of different kinds of love and I pray they will understand and cherish the friends they make now and in the future.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Sin is rampant and it's climbing like vines through every crevice of our world. It stifles the good and oozes out venom filled curses.

I lay in bed at night, my mind swirling with thoughts of how to "fix" things - how to make this world better. The ones I love, healthier... peaceful. I want to be a savior in their lives. I want to be a tool in the healing of this sin disease.

And again, I am reminded that as a sinner myself, I am at a loss. He, the Savior will save us.

Matthew 19:25-26
When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Hebrews 7:25
Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

I know that as a follower of Christ I have the responsibility to be a light in the world, to look past the sin and look past the hurt and to be an instrument for the good, for the healing, for His love.

I try...
Matthew 5:16
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
It's not easy because I get hurt too... but it's so worth it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I love who you are

I remember siting in my therapist's office naming all these things that I liked about my friends.

She makes me feel safe. 
He makes me feel loved. 
When she's around, I can do anything. 

And here's what D said. 
You want to have a relationship with people based on who they are, not how they make you feel. 

And when I met you, I reminded myself of that daily. 

I created a list of values my future husband would have - and I compared you to it. 

I was easily lost in my feelings for you... There were many... But my mind would swing back to my therapy session.

What was it about you, that made you worthy of me? What was it about you that kept me interested?

It was and still is...

.... your heart for Christ. 
.... your work ethic. 
... your love of family. 
... your heart for the lost. 
... your honesty. 
... your willingness to grow. 
... your humbleness. 
... your leadership. 
... your respect for others. 
... your frugality. 
... your hotness... Yep. I went there. :)

I love you, B. You balance me in every way. You are perfect for me. 

Happy 45th birthday!