Tuesday, November 24, 2015

5 Rocks

I dread social media these days. 
Is it too much to ask that I see pictures of my friends, their kids, their animals, funny sayings, and overall sweet things?

My heart and head hurt when I see the mud being slung all over the place. For the love of all things social - let's give it a rest people!

I see pain, hate, intolerance, cutting words, injustice, and complete and total selfishness.

It's coming from the left and right.
It's from people who mean well.... and from those who don't.
It's from people with an agenda and those trying to figure out what that is.
It's from people with brokenness and scars and hurts and well... just people.

A friend brought forth a message he'd heard this morning... it cut through to my soul. 

If you are right but wrong in the WAY you are right, you are wrong even IF you are right.

Put Down the 5 Rocks:
1. Your rocks of self righteousness...we are NO better than anyone else.
2. Your rocks of rightness...handle the truth appropriately and accept others.
3. Your rocks of resentment...saying you deserve better vs. putting it in God's hands.
4. Your rocks of revenge...getting back at others who hurt you.
5. Your rocks of retreat...completely withdrawing because you've been hurt or disappointed.

Jesus modeled what it means to put down the rocks. He was about truth in love and kindness.

Even if you are right - you aren't winning anyone over with your put downs and cutting words. It's social media folks - we get to decide what it's used for, we get to be an example of love and kindness for others. We get to be fun and silly and encouraging.

There's so much hatred and intolerance in parts of the world we will never go - can we find peace and tolerance in our little corner of the life?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

14 years of blessedness

On your 14th birthday, I was a mess. I'm not going to lie. It was a hard day for me.
I'm not really sure why.This is technically your second year of being a "teen"... you aren't hitting a huge milestone or anything... but maybe it's because to me, this past year I've seen you change a lot physically (and quickly!) and in all kinds of ways this year.

You are taller than we now (I hear about it often!).
Your voice is deeper (and sometimes high pitched!).
You are crazy social. Your friends come over, you go over there.
You are starting to take things a bit more seriously...
... but you keep me laughing!
You have a heart for the broken.
You can spew off sports stats like no other.
You love the Montreal Canadians.
You really like to play chess.
Your football teammates and coaches called you "The Athlete".
You whip and nae nae like a pro.

Peanut, you are one of my favorite people to hang out with. You keep me entertained and thinking. You can be super serious and super hilarious. Thanks for being so awesome and for allowing me into your life!

I love you, I love you, I love you. Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime. And I always will.