Thursday, December 15, 2016


Happy, happy, happy birthday sweet Peanut.


Dude - you all of a sudden became a teenager.
You've got hair growing all over, you grew all of a sudden, and who knew that cold I thought you were fighting was actually your voice changing?!

I can't even.

This year you jumped from middle school to high school and it's been a doozy.
Lots of new grown-up-ish stuff. You're driving!?

You're learning and growing and becoming this amazing young man.

You love to laugh.
You love all things football, baseball, and basketball.
You have found a new appreciation for shooting (airsoft, BB, and pistols).
You are open to trying new things (ah, what a sense of adventure!).

You've done some traveling this year! Youthquake, Mission trip to Arizona, and back to Arizona to visit Grandpa and Steve. Your heart softened for those who have less and you gained new independence.

As much as this growing up stuff is hard on both of us (let's face it, we both want you to stay a kid FOREVER!), it's been a privilege to watch you navigate this world and figure out who you are in it.

I am so proud of the young man you are becoming. You make me laugh on a daily basis and I'm forever grateful that you still want to hang out with me.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Je t'aime.
Je t'aime.
Je t'aime.
