Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What if you gave everything?

There's a song I love by Matthew West called "Motions". Every time I hear it, I feel inspired/motivated/convicted to live fully, to truly let God into my soul and let Him take over. To stop making life a series of motion with no heart or passion.

It's that kind of song.

Christian or not, I'm sure you can relate to this song. Do you live in motions or are you getting out there and really living life passionately? Are you consumed with something that makes you want more, do more? Or are you set in a life pattern that has you spinning like a hamster on a wheel?
What if you gave everything? What if you allowed God to consume you with Himself? Allowed the passion to fill you and to live it...

I think passion scares some. It scares me. Because being filled with God's passion means there's action to be taken. Whether that is being more purposeful in relationships, taking real notice of the beauty that surrounds, taking notice of all miracles, or making changes to our lives that might be uncomfortable or challenging. A life that is full of purpose and passion is distinctive. Others see it, feel it, and want to be part of it. People who are living that life have a spark in their eye and an extra bounce in their step. They are truly resting in their passion. In their everything. In their God.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Relationship moments

Relationships. I mentioned earlier that I wanted deeper, more meaningful ones. Initially, I thought it would be hard, time consuming... but I haven't felt burdened by it. I also haven't defined what "deeper and more meaningful relationships" means to me. Maybe I should, but it might make this more like a chore and less like a life...

I've done a couple of different things to reach out... nothing huge or drastic. Nothing that required a lot of time, but it did take some thought. A girl and her thoughts... that could be scary. Sending a card or making / taking a call I hadn't planned on. When someone pops into my mind, I pray for them... nothing in particular, just pray. Stepping out of my own little box (schedule) to connect with those I love in physical, emotional and spiritual ways.

I created these many reasons why it was hard to stay connected to others... because when I do things, I like them to be big. I like to spend lots of time and thought on it. But those things (parties, dinners, etc) are not always practical and they take lots of energy and time and life isn't always allow for those things to happen. And so, I didn't do anything and I wasn't connecting with my friends and that left me feeling gross. I've realized that, as wonderfully fun and exciting those things are, what I should be looking for are little slivers of time where I can say a sweet word or send a note or stop over for coffee. The moments when relationships are strengthened and life is cherished. Those moments. Those thoughtful gestures, are for me, totally do-able and a great way to stay connected in this chapter of my life.

So I ask you... What are your favorite moments with friends?

Monday, September 19, 2011


Miss A was baptized on Saturday. It was an incredible evening and I feel not only proud of her decision but to have been a part of it and to be part of her life.

That evening, as I saw B submerge her into the warm pool, it brought about some wonderful memories. I have been able to witness about two dozen baptism since my own in 2002, but my favorites are by far the ones with people whom I know.

When my little Peanut was baptized I cried. It was a sweet tender moment and I felt overwhelmed with love and comfort. When one specific cousin (in law) was baptized I remember he came out and we all stood around congratulating him and he raised his arms in the air and said he felt himself changed, that he didn't really think he would, but he did.

Christian baptisms to me are the most innocent, pure, and freeing things.

It's making a choice. It's accepting forgiveness. It's letting go and letting God. It's life changing. It's faith.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little lawyers

I am not a fan of lawyers. I'm sure Casey Anthony is... and probably O.J. Simpson... and I'm sure if I had to use one of those kinds of lawyers, I'd probably be more partial to them but the lawyers I'm talking about are the lawyers that live in my head. And yours.

You know, the little lawyers that go out into the world and gather evidence as to why this person or that one will let you down or what they must be thinking or doing about whatever in their lives or they give you gobs of reasons why you shouldn't do something because of your past failures. They are so good at gathering tons of evidence as to why things and people will fail you. They never want to let you open your heart, because they prove to you that your heart and your head can't be trusted.

They never seem to touch the good stuff. The evidence that this world, at the core, has some good in it.

Call me naive (I've been called worse!)... but I believe there is good in each person in this world. We've all been created the same way. Some of us have been hurt more than others. Some have had some horrible crazy, unimaginable things happen to us. But in the end, we are bound by one Holy God who loves us unconditionally and who asks that we love others the same way.

So when those lawyers want to start showing you the evidence again, blanket it with love and then review it. Sometimes it's best to sever ties. Sometimes it's not. Always, it's best to love.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So "American"

I stood in the kitchen and took in a deep breath.

This is it, I thought. This is what peace, love, hope, dreams, stability... this is what it feels like.

Life is so good and so "American". Do you feel it? If you don't, I pray you will. This peace inside yourself. This feeling of being so full and happy just where you are.

Life isn't perfect. There's always something to be done or call to return... but breathing it all in. This is it. This my little piece of heaven on earth. The people, the noise, the smells, the love I feel. This is it.

I know it won't always feel like this and that I'll have days of anxiousness, but right now... I'm going to bask in my little morsel of peace.

Friday, September 2, 2011


It seems the Lord is speaking to me lately... I've been reading "Wisdom Walks" and it's just been life changing. It's a lot of work, but I'm enjoying every step of it. In conjunction with this study, the blogs that I follow (all different people, different points of view) all have a common theme these days; simplyfing life and creating deeper relationships. It mirrors my book's earlier lessons.

My heart is full. I want that. I want deep relationships. Not just in one area of my life, but in all. With my husband, with my girlfriends, with my parents, with my sister, with my children... I want to feel them ingrained in my life. I want transparency. I want to look them in the eyes when we talk. To have real meaningful relationship, deep, strong relationships.

I'm searching my heart, clearing my schedule and praying like crazy that God will clearly show me the way.