Friday, September 23, 2011

Relationship moments

Relationships. I mentioned earlier that I wanted deeper, more meaningful ones. Initially, I thought it would be hard, time consuming... but I haven't felt burdened by it. I also haven't defined what "deeper and more meaningful relationships" means to me. Maybe I should, but it might make this more like a chore and less like a life...

I've done a couple of different things to reach out... nothing huge or drastic. Nothing that required a lot of time, but it did take some thought. A girl and her thoughts... that could be scary. Sending a card or making / taking a call I hadn't planned on. When someone pops into my mind, I pray for them... nothing in particular, just pray. Stepping out of my own little box (schedule) to connect with those I love in physical, emotional and spiritual ways.

I created these many reasons why it was hard to stay connected to others... because when I do things, I like them to be big. I like to spend lots of time and thought on it. But those things (parties, dinners, etc) are not always practical and they take lots of energy and time and life isn't always allow for those things to happen. And so, I didn't do anything and I wasn't connecting with my friends and that left me feeling gross. I've realized that, as wonderfully fun and exciting those things are, what I should be looking for are little slivers of time where I can say a sweet word or send a note or stop over for coffee. The moments when relationships are strengthened and life is cherished. Those moments. Those thoughtful gestures, are for me, totally do-able and a great way to stay connected in this chapter of my life.

So I ask you... What are your favorite moments with friends?

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