Saturday, May 26, 2012

Barefoot Church; My favorite parts...

There's been a running theme in my head these past few months. Simplify and prioritize my life and service... And right around that time, this lady started talking about simplifying and living a more focused life as well (using different kinds of words)... So she mentioned a book and it made me dig a bit more and I settled on Barefoot Church. I read it... no devoured it. I can't tell you the impact it had on my head and heart. I took some notes and I thought I'd share a few with you...

I hope it speaks to you as much as it spoke to me!
  • I want my church to be a place where love and self-sacrifice are hard wired into the DNA of my people, of solidarity with the poor - a true community rallied around the gospel.

  • Jesus knew exactly what he was doing when he told us to serve the least. He knew that if we would serve them, we would become agents of change. Despair would change to hope. The reputation of his bride would change. And along the way, our hearts and minds would change.

  • We may say we're more than just a Sunday service, but 90% of our resources and efforts are either committed to the Sunday morning experience or events designed to draw people to our buildings.

  • Mercy offers relief and compassion. Justice offers an advocate and action.

  • Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, injustice when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid He would ask me the same question.

  • The purpose of missional communities is to be a source of radical hope, to witness to the new identity of vision, the new way of life that has become a social reality in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The persistent problem is not how to keep the church from withdrawing from the world, but how to keep the world from the drawing from the church. The forming of Christian community in therefore not an option but the very lifestyle and vocation of the church.

  • Our identity as a church body:
  1. Evangelism and social action are distinct activities
  2. Proclamation is central.
  3. evangelism and social action are inseparable.
  • We need to develop a better understanding of the gospel and how it is both a message we announce and a reality we display to a lost and broken world.

  • Have we fallen so far into serving ourselves, our structures, and our agenda that we no longer have room for those who want to pour themselves completely out in creative and fresh ways?

  • The more people grow in in their faith, the less they will depend on our structures. the more we challenge them to serve, the less they will value our programs. This is exactly what the Bible says will happen. If a mark of a discipline is one who is on a mission, then by our very nature, we must be sent.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My place

I've been reading "Barefoot Church" and it is blowing my mind.

In bad ways and in good ways.

I have a servant's heart. It's just who God made me. I can't do anything about it (trust me, I've tried).
I want to help, to serve, to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

The problem? I can't say no.
I mean, I can. I have. But it's hard. Because I see so many places that need so much help.
I know that I won't save the world - I'm not totally self involved. But I know I can make a difference.

So where is it? Where does God want me?
I have no clue.

I know He doesn't want me where I am now. Maybe in some places but not all of them. It's too much and I'm not doing it with a happy heart. I'm tired. Restless. Frustrated. Anxious.

I want to be what He wants me to be. I just don't know where my place is.
A couple of years ago, I thought I knew.
But I don't anymore.

So I pray.
I pray that God will soon reveal His plan for me in this particular corner of my world. I pray that my heart will be open enough to hear His words. Hear His plan. Hear His instructions.

Because on that day, I will boldly, enthusiastically and undoubtedly have found my place.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Faith and Power

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." ~Matthew 17:20

Faith. It all comes down to faith. How much we have and its true impact on our lives.

How different the world would be if we truly believed the way Peter and Paul did. Their faith was able to raise the dead! (Acts 9:36-43 and Acts 20:7-12)

The Word is clear that if we believed, truly believed not only in God but in the power of God, that nothing would be impossible for us. We could even move mountains.

I pray for that faith. For my walls to be broken down the way Jericho's walls did (Hebrews 11:30).

Can you imagine what we could do? As Christians? Together, brothers and sisters uniting to change this world. To feed the many with minimal worldly resources but maximum heavenly ones?

I pray for...
...a faith without doubts.
...a head without worry.
...a heart full of love.

Friday, May 11, 2012

These are a few of my favorite "Mommy" things...

As Mother's Day approaches I'm a bit more nostalgic about love, live and especially you...

Here are just a few of my favorite things about being a mommy... but more specifically your mommy.

Long drawn out stories of dreams, days and nightmares.
Uneaten dinners (cause it's too yucky).
School productions.
Airplanes, trucks and toy guns.
2 books + 1 devotional + prayers, every night.
Me, sleep deprivation.
You, nightmares and boogie monsters.

Sticky kisses.
Sweaty of hugs.
Whining and giggles.
Liking girls.
Bedtime chats.
Worship songs in the car...
... and in our home.

I love you more than the whole wide world and back again.
I love you a bajimilion.
I love you.
I love you to infinity and beyond.

I love you, monkey.
I love you, peanut.
Je t'aime.
I love you this tiny much... times infinity!

Baby forever

I can't remember the last time I picked you up.
Held you on my lap.
Rocked you to sleep.

It makes me sad to think of you as a boy and not a baby. After 10 years, it's expected.

When you get mad now, you walk away instead of to me.
When you get sad, you'd rather be alone for a time, and then you'll ask for me.

Your questions are so much more complicated. Your thoughts more intense.

You still kiss me on the lips in front of your friends.
You still need good night hugs and kisses.
You still like for me to read to you.
You still like to snuggle on the couch together.
You still like to be all mine.

This week has been a tough one for me as I am more aware of the young man you are becoming.
I've cried and sat in long quiet reflection about this very thing.

You were my baby 10 years ago and as your mama, I get to keep you that way forever.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

21 days

I'm counting down with the kids.

21 days left.

21 days until schedules slow down.
21 days until dinner becomes simpler.
21 days until our days are filled with swimming pools and...
21 days until our evenings are filled with fireflies.
21 days until flip flips are all we know.
21 days until haircuts and hairstyles are forgotten.
21 days until Popsicles are a staple.
21 days until our very favorite babysitter joins our daily lives (for the third year)
21 days until summer camps, VBS and family trips.

21 days. These months are my favorite.
Lazy days. Relaxing nights. Sugary faces.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Too much and not enough

I've mentioned briefly about having too much stuff.

I've also been cleaning up our place. I've gotten rid of things we really don't use.

If we haven't used it in 9 months? Out.
Don't really like it and does nothing for me? Out.

I am slowly surrounding myself with things that I love. Things that bring joy to my life. Things that bring me peace. I've been doing the same for the kids. We go through every couple of weeks and look at more stuff they really don't play with or even like anymore.

It's been incredible. I love the feeling of simplicity. Of only having the things I use and not being surrounded by the stuff I "may someday" use.

Technology is the next thing I have to tackle. Not physically but mentally... and probably physically too. We have a Wii, a PSP, each kiddo has a NintendoDS, we have a laptop (but the small kind), two kiddos have an iPod Touch, and 4 of us have cell phones. Our cell phones don't have data plans and they don't have any fancy shindigs. They just call and text... and B and I have the kind of cell phone where you have to hit the "2" three times to get the letter "c". The kids have the other kind.

Now we're talking about getting iPhones. When B brought it up, my initial thought was "heck no!". But instead I took a deep breath and explained that for me, I see too many of my friends, my coworkers, random strangers on their cell phone doing what God only knows while they ought to be doing life. I am petrified that getting an iPhone, having 24 hour access to the electronic world that will lesson our ability to connect with the "real" world.

We have too much access. Too much knowledge. Too much busyness and not enough us. I want to see you. I want to know that when we are together you are focused on me. That you want to be with me so much that the rest of the world can fade away for these next few hours.

I do see the positives in technology too. Don't get me wrong. I would love to have my calendar in my palm when I'm asked if I'm available next... Right now I can't think of any other reason why I'd love a Smartphone... but I'm sure I could find out.

So what are we going to do? We're going to pray. Lots.