Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Your life, my blessing

It's funny where we have our conversations. Rarely in a conventional spot. 
These conversations were no different.

I asked a lot of questions and you answered them all - you added the detail I was looking for and the history my heart craved.

You lived a life before me. Before mom. Before Northern Ontario. 
You lived a life of farming, of logging, of mischief making. You lived a life, I thirst to know. To live through your stories.

In knowing your stories, your history- I feel closer to you. I will carry the stories you shared with me in my heart, forever giving me a more well rounded view of the man I first loved. 

My love and respect grew that much more during my little "interrogation". You, Papa, are truly a remarkable human being.

Je t'aime fort fort plus que tout les nuages.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

My News Feed and my Heart

I took Facebook off of my phone yesterday.
It's almost not fun anymore to scroll through my news feed.
People want to argue about something. People want to sell you something. People want to stir something up for the sake of stirring it. And to me, it's like a train wreck - I watch it all in awe but I'm terribly disturbed by it.

I just want to look at pictures of your family. I want to hear funny stuff about your kids or your latest adventures.
Really. That's it.

I love you all. Really. Like a ton.
And because of that my heart aches, literally aches, when I scroll through and all I see is hate and finger pointing.

I don't like conflict. For a country who demands tolerance, who claims injustices and who wants to end judgement... well, look at my Facebook news feed and let me know how that's working out.

So while Facebook and other social media cools off, I'll be over in my corner praying and grieving for a world that is stumbling.