Friday, February 12, 2016


A group of 6 ladies and I are working our way through Jen Hatmaker's book entitled "7". 

7 is the true story of how Jen took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence. 

American life can be excessive, to say the least. After reading into the concept of the book and the project, we decided we would challenge ourselves to eliminating waste in our lives.

January: Food.
February: Clothes.
March: Possessions.
April: Media.
May: Waste.
June: Spending.
July: Stress.

So January consisted of a diet of 7 foods. We ate the same 7 foods (not processed) all month. It was hard... the first 3 days. But reminding myself of those who eat a cup of porridge every day was enough to keep my mouth shut (for the most part). I REALLY enjoyed this month. It was hard but there was a lot of growth during this month. 

This month is clothes. We chose 7 items of clothing and that's all we wear (excluding underwear and pjs). No jewelry, no scarves, no "extras", I didn't realize how much I play with my necklace until this month. I miss that little anxiety calmer. 

March is getting rid of 7 things every day. We're doing it. I am not a keeper, but I know there's always an abundance that can be donated or sold. To motivate my family, I promised them a spring garage sale. Do you realize how big of a deal this is? I'm not a fan of garage sale execution, but if it's for pure motivation... we'll do it!

This whole process has been really interesting and fun. I feel like I'm focusing on the important, helping me focus on the right thing. Him.