Thursday, April 6, 2017

Parenting = Challenges

Lately I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.
I don't.
So that's a fair assessment.

Parenting is challenging. Like for real.
I constantly wonder if I say the right things, if I said too much, if I didn't say enough.
I get eye rolls and huffs and I wonder if I crossed the line or if it's them and not me.

I am terrified that they will fall into the "wrong group" or that they will make mistakes with harsh consequences.

I am well aware that I am holding onto more than I can handle and that the right thing to do right now is to give it all to Him, because who am I kidding, He's got it.

So once again, I'm standing back on my grounded identity.

Lord, I relinquish parenting to you. I pray that I may be the best messenger that you have, that I am an example of Your love to these three kiddos. That you will hold me up when I feel like falling. That you will guide me when I stumble and that you will open the hearts of my kids to receive you now and throughout their lives. Help them, Lord, to rely on you and only you. To give and receive grace. To view the world through your eyes. Help me, Lord to guide them through the murky waters of this world and to show them your loving kindness and the hope that you bring this darkness.
