Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little lawyers

I am not a fan of lawyers. I'm sure Casey Anthony is... and probably O.J. Simpson... and I'm sure if I had to use one of those kinds of lawyers, I'd probably be more partial to them but the lawyers I'm talking about are the lawyers that live in my head. And yours.

You know, the little lawyers that go out into the world and gather evidence as to why this person or that one will let you down or what they must be thinking or doing about whatever in their lives or they give you gobs of reasons why you shouldn't do something because of your past failures. They are so good at gathering tons of evidence as to why things and people will fail you. They never want to let you open your heart, because they prove to you that your heart and your head can't be trusted.

They never seem to touch the good stuff. The evidence that this world, at the core, has some good in it.

Call me naive (I've been called worse!)... but I believe there is good in each person in this world. We've all been created the same way. Some of us have been hurt more than others. Some have had some horrible crazy, unimaginable things happen to us. But in the end, we are bound by one Holy God who loves us unconditionally and who asks that we love others the same way.

So when those lawyers want to start showing you the evidence again, blanket it with love and then review it. Sometimes it's best to sever ties. Sometimes it's not. Always, it's best to love.

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