Thursday, October 6, 2011

Letter 1 - Your best friend

To my sweet sister by choice,

We met in such an awkward and weird way that only God could orchestrate. I didn't realize how much I needed you and now I can't imagine my life without you.

Right now our relationship is redefining itself. We're in different places in our lives and we have made some pretty big life changing choices. We've worked on ourselves as individuals for a while now and we've come out more confident, not only more sure of ourselves but more sure of our direction. This relationship growth makes us uncomfortable and insecure at times. We both don't like change but we both see the fruits of its growth.

We've seen each other at our worst, at our best and everything in between. You know exactly when I need a good kick in the butt and when I need a hug. You listen when no one else will and you always have something great to say... whether I want to hear it or not.

We have been through quite a bit during the past years. Every new year we tell ourselves "This is our year!" only to have something pretty major happens that seems to have one of us bawling. But you know what? When I think of it, I realize that it's always been "our year", because we've done it together.

Thank you for always being there to listen and to sit in it with me. Thank you for finishing my sentences. Thank you for understanding our language so well. Thank you for reading my facial expressions and knowing exactly what I'm thinking. And thank you for loving me just the way I need to be loved.

I pray that I am as good of a friend to you as you are to me...
Yours forever
~Ray :)

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