Friday, October 7, 2011

Letter 2 - Your husband

Dear B,

Today we've been married for 84 days. Can you believe it?!

I have loved every one of those 84 (yes, even those not so fabulous ones), because I spent them with you.

I have and continue to learn a lot about myself because of you. You challenge my thinking, my motives and my heart. Even during my not-so-great moments, you are patient and loving and for that I love you all the more. I love that I can be honest with you about everything. I hope you feel the same with me.

Your willingness to continually learn about life/relationships/others is inspiring. You are comfortable in your own skin and that confidantes makes those around you feel comfortable as well.

You are an amazing husband but most importantly (for me) a really awesome step-dad. You have a heart for those boys that most have to work on for years. You want the best and success for them not just now but in their future. Thank you. Thank you for loving them so much.

You are my best friend and I am so blessed to have you to share my life with...

Here are just a few things that  you do that make me smile!
  1. The insane nicknames you have for me.
  2. The way you lay out your clothes for the next day... sometimes days before.
  3. That you never finish a bar of soap.
  4. The look on your face when I ask you what you're thinking about. :)
  5. Your love of coupons.

All my love,
P.S. And of course I love that you know all kinds of "interesting" sports trivia...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that he loves coupons! You told me that about him when you came to meet Phoebe. SO cute!
