Friday, November 4, 2011

I get it

This isn't about money. It may seem that way to you, but it's not. I could care less who is more financially responsible for them. I'll do it all, that's not an issue, it's never been. I get that you feel that now that my financial situation has changed that that should somehow benefit you. It doesn't.

This has to do with your unwillingness to accept responsibility for anything. For life. For choices. For you.

From where I stand, I see someone who would rather blame the world than to look inside himself. Then again, it might be easier that way. It seems to me that it's also easier for you to lash out at me when things seem to get out of hand.

I get that you're frustrated with your situation. I get that you are scared. I get that you never thought things would happen like this. I get that I get that you feel alone. I get that you struggle with feelings of jealousy. I get that you feel lost. And I can't begin to tell you how sad it makes me. But I can't be your punching bag.

I am praying that God gives me a clear understanding of what my role is in this (if any). I pray that you'll find the peace you're looking for, because it's not going to come financially, it's bigger than that. I pray that this cycle will end and we can focus on the important stuff. And I pray that I learn to hang up the phone before things get out of hand. And I pray that we'll find a balance soon.

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