Thursday, November 10, 2011

A decade

My sweet little Peanut,

Today, you reach a pretty big milestone. 10 years old. A decade. It's hard for me to really absorb that.  It seems like just yesterday I was watching my belly in the bathtub as you hiccuped for what seemed like 100th time that day. It was such a silly thing to watch but I couldn't stop. You amazed me then as you do now.

This past year you seem to care more and more about "being cool" and about what your friends think. You want to be accepted. We all do. As a mom, your protector, I want to walk on every journey you take throughout the days and repeat to you over and over again how wonderful, awesome, sweet and cool you are. Not just because I'm your mom but because it's true.

My favorite moments with you are when I lay down with you at night before you fall asleep and you open your heart and share about all things relevant and irrelevant - you just share. I leave you amazed at the conversations with have whether it be the Holocaust or a conversation you had with a friend - you really make me think. My sweet baby. You have a heart of gold. You love with all your heart. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You have a giving gentle heart.

But you're also all boy. There's nothing like football, a good war story, guns or a "fart" that gets your attention quickly. You think everything about the human body is hysterical and you'll make up all kinds of gross and disgusting stories about whatever pops into your mind.

I love you more (I always will!),

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