Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sweet 16

At times I feel like I've known you a very short period and other times long ones.
You have changed quite a bit in the past 4+ years.

Gone are the days when we would sit down and talk about our dream homes and the awesome slide that would come down the center with a fridge full of ice cream and white chocolate.
Gone are the days when the pool was the most funnest thing ever.
Gone are the days when you were shorter than me. :)

Now we're talking real life stuff. Feelings and thoughts and dreams...
16 holds a sort of higher esteem than other teenage ages. I'm not sure why that is... maybe it's the middle of your teens... whatever the reason it's a right of passage of sorts.

Your heart and soul have grown a lot in the past year. You teeter totter between a grown up heart and a teenage one. It's such a privilege to be part of this growth.

Currently you...

1. love volleyball.
2. like to read and prefer books where the end is completely unpredictable (in other words, love stories aren't your fav!).
3. are super perceptive.
4. are the best big sister ever.
5. like leggings and tshirts.
6. avoid jeans.
7. love baseball (the Royals, really!).
8. want to be a pediatrician.
9. have many interests in the volunteer world.
10. love white chocolate.
11. serve in the Yellow Room at church.
12. have a slight obsession with Pinterest. :)
13. love Jesus with all your heart.
14. couldn't care less what kind of car you get, you just want one!
15. love Starbucks (but what teen girl doesn't?!)
16. are one of the most ridiculously awesome people in my life and I can't imagine my world without you in it.

I love you, sweet girl! Happy, happy, happy sweet 16!

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