Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Forgiveness, honesty, and integrity

Is it just me or is our world becoming a world without accountability.
Where is our integrity?

We do not allow excuses in our home.
Own it. We all do it. When one person in our family messes up, the entire family feels it. It happens. I get it. But own it.

When you don't own it. It's bad. It's really, really bad. That's when things start crumbling and you're stuck under a big pile of poop and you can't get out and get healing because no one wants near a pile of poop.

Does it suck to take responsibility for the mess-ups?
Heck ya!
Does it suck to have someone in your life who refuses to take responsibility for their actions?
Heck, heck, ya!

So we expect truth and in turn you (me, them) receive forgiveness and grace. Immediatly. Always.
Let me tell you, we are a family of forgiveness and grace and that, is a very good thing. Because we screw up, a lot.
Blaming others for your choices is a sign of immaturity and I'm not raising kids - I'm raising grownups. And B and I are on a journey to continue to mature and grow. Our goal is to be much more like Jesus and much less like us.
If everyone was a bit more transparent, a bit more forgiving, a bit more honest, and had a bit more integrity, wouldn't this world look a whole lot different?

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