Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stepping Down

I am stepping down.
I am stepping down.
I am stepping down.

I am stepping down.

Those are some really hard words for me. I'm not comfortable walking away from things.
I am loyal. I am a bit stubborn. I am a servant.

But I am stepping down from leading our church's campus for Women's Ministry.
I will stay on board for the all-campus one (I was serving in both places), but for the campus specific one...

I am stepping down.

I'm in a place in my life where bedtimes are later and we have three kids who want and need my physical presence more than ever. I am not just the chef, the chauffeur, the homework checker, the boo-boo kisser... I am the listener and that might just be my most favorite job of them all.

I need to be more present to listen. To hug. To love. To pray.
So I am stepping down.

In the grand scheme of my volunteer world, Women's Ministry is a small part of it, but it's a part that takes the most time. Over the past year, I have been slowly shifting my focus to the children/student ministry - because that's my life right now.

So I am stepping down from one leadership position, but not out of ministry all together (I'd be lost if I did). It's not been an easy decision. It's one I've been praying about for 2 years, but it is one I feel peace.

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