Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The meeting

So it's not a secret anymore... to anyone. I have a boyfriend. And the boys know it.

It went really well actually. I don't know what I was expecting. Of course I tend to invite various scenarios in my head, trying to work through the "what ifs". What if they hate him? What if they kick him? What if they say super embarrassing things about me? What if, what if, what if... So in the end... "What if they like him and it goes really well?" was the winner.

Reece struggled a bit after the day was over and after a couple of conversations I realized that he's sad for his dad because his dad doesn't have a girlfriend (biting my tongue right now). He really likes B and I think he's feeling a bit like he's betraying his dad. That makes sense to me. Oh my word! If my parents divorced and my mom got a boyfriend I would constantly be comparing him to my dad because... well... my dad rocks. And that's how Mr. Reece is feeling too.

And there you have it. I have a boyfriend who likes my kids (or hides the fact that he doesn't really well... whatever, it works for me) and kids who really like him.

I thought I would be nervous to do my "mom" thing around someone who has never seen me as a mom but it went really well. Think about it. Normally when you meet someone, your kids are with you, you have some kind of kid fluid on you (spit up, snot, juice, whatever!), or your purse if filled with kid paraphernalia. But when I go on a date with B, I make sure I'm clear of all kid "markings" - yep, I make sure I look all grown up and as tempting as it might be... I don't cut his food for him. But when my kids are around, there's no getting my dating game on, it's all hands on deck and I'm 100% "mom". I'll wipe boogers, kiss ouchies, love on them and scold them and not really worry about what's going on around me because the boys are my focus.

In the end we all survived the meeting and I pray that the boys continue to grow through this process and truly understand that wherever this journey takes us that their well-being is my priority and I will do whatever it takes to make this journey a great one for all of us.

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