Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beautiful People

I was nervous to ask your mommy if I could hold you, but as I watched you sitting in your high chair with those big cheeks and those long eyelashes, I couldn't help myself. Your sister didn't seem too sure, but your mom said it was ok. I picked you up and you nestled your self up against me. You scanned the room to see what the commotion was about and you relaxed yourself against my chest and fell asleep. I could have held you all night long, but it was time for the families to go back to their floor and for the next group of people to come to dinner.

When I saw you crying I picked you up automatically, a reflex almost. Sweet little 18 month old angel. Your mama told me the sucker Reece gave you was your very first. You seemed to enjoy it. You also seemed very scared to be there. Did you used to have your own room?

And sir, when I asked if I could get you more to drink, your eyes changed immediately and you acted surprised that someone would care enough to serve you. I care.

As I talked to you tonight, Bobby, you made some comments that made me blush. You said some things I wasn't sure how to answer. But when I started asking questions about your life, your past and your future, you seemed to put those other things aside and open up. Incarcerated for 9 years, off of parole for 90 days, you have goals for yourself. You tell me it's simple, but we both know that isn't quite the truth.

I look around the room and I think of the million and one possibilities for each of these lives. I'm not naive. I know that for some, the choices that landed them there are still being made without a single thought of forfeiture... but I believe that perhaps if some had had a better start in life... a grander dream given to them... that maybe they could have dreamed bigger dreams as well.

Tonight, I will go to sleep on a mattress purchased for me only, I will know that if I am hungry I can eat and I will know that I am truly blessed. I am blessed because of there I live, because of my amazing and healthy children, because I my friends and family love and support me, because I have an awesome job and because I have been touched by the beautiful people I met tonight.

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