Monday, February 9, 2015

She slept less in order to love more

My Peanut got some pretty nasty scraps and cuts last night when he and the road met (ouch!). It was yucky and bloody and pretty painful. I cleaned it, put some ointment on it (all 4 areas), bandaged him up, and gave him some meds.

When he got me up at 1:30am because of the pain, we did the process over again; clean, ointment, bandage, Ibuprofen and I tucked him back in.

Before I fell asleep again, my thoughts drifted to my own mom and the nights she would sit in my bed, in a corner of the wall, holding me up against her chest so my asthma attack would lessen. She would go to work the next day and I never heard a complaint.

Hours and hours, and night and nights she rocked me, held me, wiped up my puke, wiped my tears, rubbed my back, sewed little tiny sparkles to my skating dresses... My mom was in the PTA, part of the Figure Skating Club, she fought for the things that would affect me as a student, as a girl, and as woman.

She was strict. Like really strict. And through that she taught me how to clean (like really clean), manners, me how to cook, responsibility, a work ethic,  money management, and so much more. But my very favorite, is how to love.

My mom and I may not see eye-to-eye on everything, but the one thing we agree on is that above all else, loving your children is the most important thing you can do as a mom.

Mom, thank you for all the big things and all the little things that I never noticed (and might not remember). You are a wonderful parent and you have impacted my life in a positive and fruitful way. I love you more than the whole wide world and back again!

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