Tuesday, November 19, 2013


While driving yesterday a song came on the radio that I absolutely love. A Christian song. And for the life of me I can't remember what it was. But it doesn't matter now. 

As I listened to the words, I concentrated on their meaning. I became overwhelmed with a feeling I have had just a few other times in my life. This overwhelming feeling of love... Of God. Words can't describe it. I sobbed. All at once. From nowhere. My throat filled with sobs and my eyes followed with tears. 

As I sobbed I tried to make sense of what was happening and like that... It was gone. 

As I pulled into the Target parking lot, wiping my tears, I wanted that feeling back. I didn't enjoy it. While I was trying to think it through, process it, I didn't take the time to enjoy it. Cherish it. 

I didn't take the time for Him. Instead I was caught up in trying to figure it all. Figure Him out. 

What would it have been like if instead of fighting Him with my head, I would have surrendered to Him? What would it be like if I did that on a daily basis? On a moment by moment basis? If my head took a break and my heart lead my faith?

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