Sunday, November 10, 2013


This year has been a year of growth for you. Everything seemed like a push to "young adulthood". My mind spins with the moments we've shared this past year that wrecked my heart while building your maturity and growth.

It's been a good year. A big year.

A year where I see God's hand in your life. His plan taking shape.
I see your mind better understanding the world around you. I see your heart learning to love in different ways. I see your soul trying to understand the world beyond this one.

Our conversations are quite interesting(night time chat about insurance and banks loans!), your passions are more pronoucned (football, recycling, child labor laws)... you are becoming intense and grown up. It is unreal.

But then... all at once... it's all very real. I love it. I love the challenging conversations and the sweet moments that I share with you.

Watching you grow is a priviledge. It is a priviledge to be a part of your life. It is a priviledge to be your mom.

You are an incredible young boy and I can't imagine this world without you in it.
You will change this world for the better. You will make a difference.

How do I know this?
Because you already have... mine.

Happy 12th birthday, Peanut.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Je t'aime, Je t'aime, Je t'aime.

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