Monday, July 8, 2013

I know nothing

I've said this before and again I say it. 

This year is a year of growth. It's a doozy. 

Mistakes, victories, confusion, and clarity fill my days. I have never been more aware of my personal growth. He is stretching me in all directions and it's bitter sweet. 

I was warned that my 30's would bring about discovery of myself. I thought my late 20's taught me a lot, but as is the custom with time and lessons learned... My 20's was only paving a way to my 30's and the molding of my heart, my soul and mind. 

It was with a false sense of confidence that I entered my mid twenties. I wrongly thought that I had been through much and that much had taught me who I was. 

A month shy of my 33rd birthday and I acknowledge whole heartedly that I...know nothing. 

It is with this confidence that I lead my life. I know nothing. And for that I am thankful. 

I mess up like crazy. I love with my entire heart. I want to make the world better. Hold on to the ones I love tighter. Fight for the things that make an eternal difference. Forgive and be forgiven. And do it all with a naive heart. 

To live it all like I know nothing. Because when I do, I find myself humbled by the knowledge of truth and faith that He knows everything. 

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