Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The third

The Trinity is probably one of the hardest things for me to wrap my mind around. Three in one. Three individuals as one individual. Working together. A whole but separate.

I understand God. In my heart, soul and mind, I know His power in my life. I understand Him (as much as my small mind can!). I understand Christ, His sweet sacrifice, His love, His life, His sacrifice. I understand these two well enough, but not perfectly, because I read about them. I hear their voices in my heart. Their stories fill the pages of my Bible. But the Holy Spirit. That's a tough one for me. He seems so separate from the other two, but according to the Bible, He's not separate but very a whole and real part of the other God and Christ. Where does He fit? Why does He seem so apart for me? Why when I pray for God to fill my heart and soul with the things I need do I forget the one who fills my body?

That, my friends, is what I'll be studying in the next few months. I pray my mind can understand and really connect with the third (and equally important) part of the Trinity.

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