Monday, August 30, 2010


I had been flirting with the idea of finding a different church. I love the church I attend; the theology blows my mind, the people are amazing, the worship music rocks (literally) but for me, I feel like it lacks grace.

I've been going back and forth and I've looked online at what other churches had to offer but I found that if the church was more grace filled, the theology was pretty shaky and if the theology was rock solid then grace was lacking.

I thought and prayed about this for a few months. What's more important to me? What do I need more in my life right now? A solid theology or plenty of grace.

While in Canada I came to the conclusion that right now, in my life, I need theology. I need for someone to teach me what the Bible actually says about God and His will for my life, not what man would like it to say.

I sat in church yesterday as we studied the book of Philippians -- our second week on this study. Our pastor talked a lot about church and it's people; that's what the church is - people. Church is a lot of very sinful people sitting together, talking, sharing, and loving on each other.

That's why I am now 110% certain that Legacy is where I belong. I know those people - they struggle, fail and sin over and over again... just like me! The teaching is amazing, the people I've met there have become my family and my kids are loved. Yes, there are times when I feel there is a lack of grace... but I'm sure sometimes I'm less than grace giving to others.

We have a history, Legacy and I. They've been there through the good and the bad. I've gotten cards, gifts, helping hands, meals brought to me, hugs and more. Some from people I knew and some from total strangers. My kids don't know anything but Legacy. They grew up in the church, surrounded by this family.

As our pastor said "There is no perfect church out there. Because if there was, you wouldn't be allowed to go."

This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good. ~Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)

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