Monday, December 28, 2009

Through the windshield

For the past six months (more or less) I've been sitting put. Not looking anywhere but where I am. I'm ready to take the next steps and start moving forward.

Honestly, I was fearing the holidays because in a way it was pushing me forward, making me create new memories with a somewhat "altered" family. I survived. I had moments that didn't feel right or look right but then, what is "right" these days? Two people, in two different circumstances both said to me "I thought things had to be such and such a way, and I realized I was just stuck in my ways. Change is ok." They weren't talking about my situation, but they were right. Change is ok.

The company I work for has gone through some changes recently because of the economic
challenges we are facing and in one of our meetings they said we were done looking at the rear view mirror, looking back on our mistakes, what we should have done, etc... Now we are focusing on the view from the windshield. I'm ready for that!

I'm looking forward to the new year. I always do. There's something about a new year - a new beginning. New resolutions, taking lessons we learned the year before and applying them to the new year. I have a lot planned for 2010 and I'm looking through the windshield this time and I'm excited!

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