Friday, May 22, 2015

Sin Filled World

I'm not sure why terrorists feel the need to travel thousands of miles or find US traders to execute their plans of mass terror and death. We do that ourselves really well.

Don't they see that Americans kill Americans... all the time. Many. There were a total of 14,827 reported murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2012.

I'm pretty sure that at the end of 2015, that number will be much higher.

When our wants become greater than our needs, we turn on each other.
When grace is easily accepted but not returned, our hearts grow cold.
When our entertainment is filled with messages of self and instant gratification, our minds grow numb.
When we push God out of everything that doesn't align with our selfish wants, our society becomes what it is.

This country wasn't the only thing based on Biblical principles, the world was. Who decided killing, stealing, adultery, violence, and more wasn't ok? When did the world decide those things were not ok? They haven't been since the start of humanity. Who told us, hid the truth in our heart? Our Savior did.
Without His Truth, without His guidance, everything is up for grabs. 

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