Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blessings and Choices

I am blessed.
I am so aware of my blessing and I am confident in the provider of my blessings.

There are times when B and I lay in bed at night talking about how completely undeserving we are of all the blessings we have.

It's not the talk of "stuff" that consumes our chatter but of the love we feel for one another, respect we have in our family, peace that fills the walls of our home and the hope we have in Christ.

We are still messy people with messy sins and an unending list of things we need to work on and I could get caught up in that. I could get caught up in the messiness and my failures and B's failures and our kids and their struggles.

My world fell apart and I don't have any false ideas that it won't again. I will pass through more low valleys and I will struggle and fall and fail and stink through it. But I will forever cling to His love and grace for me. Life is full of valleys. Low, low, low ones. Ones that make you question your every decision, but through each one of those, there's a lesson. There's a ray of sun, there's a hope like no other.

I will choose to live in the comfort of His arms and I will rest my head on His promises and I will choose my thoughts and I will choose my actions and I will choose Him and He will choose me.

Having hope will give you courage.
You will be protected and will rest in safety.
You will lie down unafraid,
and many will look to you for help.
Job 11:18-19

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