Friday, August 29, 2014


We ask our children to step out into their little world each day and be the light. Be more like Jesus. Show others compassion, forgive them, love them when they are unlovable.

We ask this of them because we expect it. We expect it from them and we expect it from ourselves. Are we perfect at it? No. Are they? No. But we are all trying.

And so for nearly 9 months I have personally been in conflict with someone. Do I feel justified, you bet. Does this make the conflict justified? Heck no! I don't want to live in conflict. It's draining even though I don't talk to this person. It's draining because in my heart, I know it's not right. I know that as a true follower of Christ, my behavior is not ok.

You see, I haven't made a real attempt to find a resolution. I've thrown out some "business" type words to express myself but I've not ever spoken from the heart and I think that the foundation of every resolution, is the heart.

I reached out. We're going to meet. I'm going to pray.
I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do for all of us regardless of egos and hurt feelings and past mistakes. I'm doing this because He died for me regardless of egos, and hurt feelings, and all of my past mistakes.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Silos and Jesus


I don't watch the news. I rarely read it either...
But I have heard. I see. I know. And it's frightening.

It's everywhere. It hasn't gone away and... until we behave differently, it never will.

It's years of history and hurts and scabs and disjointed efforts. It's political junk and personal junk and regular junk. It's pride. It's egos. It's culture. It's sin.

We are so consumed by ourselves that we can't or won't take time to look up and look around at what we are doing to one another and to ourselves.

What we need is to tear down the silos. Build up respect and hope and love.
What we need is Jesus.

Satan is front and center in on CNN, Fox, CBS... he is front and center in our personal lives. He is good. And he will not win.

Every day I get a choice and you do to.
What will you choose?

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. — John 3:17

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. — Jeremiah 29:12-13

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. — Romans 5:2-5

The Plot

"I just love this family so much."

This is it.

Maybe it's the comment she made, maybe it's my birthday, maybe it's my head thinking entirely too much lately, or maybe it's truth.

This time, right now, is "life". This is what we'll be holding on to when the kids have grown and left. The walls of our homes filled with memories of laughter and tears. Of memories. Of hopes and dreams.

I realize that right now, at this moment, I am living the best times of my life. I am living what I dreamed about during the "introduction" of my life (my childhood).

Of course I don't think that once the children leave and B and I are left hanging out on the front porch that my life will end. It will be beautiful and fruitful, I am sure... but it will be different. The conclusion. I plan to make it a jammed packed one, but again - it will be the conclusion.

And so as I sit in the "plot" of my life. As I walk through the reoccurring themes of children, activities, carpool, house projects and the never ending bills, I am filled with peace.

When my children state that they love our family, I know this plot is a treasured one.