Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My People

As I approach our move to Florida and away from the only family I’ve had for nearly 20 years, my church family, I thought I would take this opportunity to reflect on how the church has done just that.

I moved to the USA in 1999, at 18 years old, with little sense and a very shaky faith. When I started attending Legacy Christian Church 3 years later, I never intended to stay. I was just visiting to appease my sister-in-law. Little did I know I would not only fall in love with the people, but its where I’d fall in love with God.
The moment worship started, I was mesmerized by the preaching, the music, the people. This was nothing I’d known before. The people stayed after church to talk, laugh, and cry with one another – the kids ran around all over and laughed together. These people were living life together. I hadn’t grown up in a church like that.
I joined the church and jumped headfirst into service. I served in the 2-year-old room and learned my Bible basics alongside toddlers. I tried my hand in the choir (not a strength), I set up and organized events, I helped clean the yard, I made cookies, I rocked babies, I joined a small group, and I lead others, I served with kiddos with special needs… I did all the things. This isn’t to brag because there’s lots I didn’t do and more I could have done. I say all these things because that’s how my family came to be. That’s where I met my people and that’s where my people led me to Jesus.
My people came along side me as a new(ish) wife and momma and guided me with grace and love. My people sent me cards and meals after a miscarriage and threw me a sweet baby shower for my rainbow baby. My people loved me through heartbreak and divorce and celebrated with me through dating and remarriage. My people have prayed for me, for my family, for people they didn’t know – for me. My people have mentored my kids from birth to young adults – through the ugly and the good. My people have brought me meals for a month while our family focused on our three new foster kids. My people have seen me at my very worst and choose to love me like I’m always at my very best.
Have my people let me down? Yes. Has the church leadership frustrated me at times? So much. Are there times I wasn’t sure these were my people? Yes. But I stayed. Because they are my people. Because like them, I have big ugly warts and imperfections all over my broken self. Because at the center of it all, always stood Jesus. Because when you know the heart of the church, when you know the heart of your people, is good, so good – that heart will always point you to your Heavenly Father and it did, they do.
So how has the church has blessed, supported, and impacted me? Over the past nearly 20 years, the church has continually pointed me to Christ, loved me with grace and mercy, and has truly been the hands and feet of Jesus.
I am now and will forever be thankful for my people.
For just as we have many members in one body and all the bodies do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. - Romans 12:4-5

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