Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Raising Humans

When they say babies will change your world, they (whoever "they" are) don't just mean babies, they mean humans. These little people you give birth to - those people will change your world.

They will rock it and roll it and throw it and crush it.

"They" don't mean right after birth when you're so tired you could sleep anywhere and your body is so sore from being ravaged by giving birth. Nope. That part? It's a piece of cake.

"They" don't mean the toddler tantrums or having to repeat yourself a million times or even the inevitable grime that comes with toddlers. Nope. That one isn't so bad either.

And "they" certainly don't mean any of the elementary years. That's just plain easy.

"They" mean middle school through adulthood.

What. The. Heck. Was. I. Thinking?

Listen, I read the books and I listen to wise counsel but I still want to lose my ever loving mind. I've come to the conclusion that God has a twisted sense of humor because I am not at all qualified nor capable to be a parent of a tween or teen or young adult.

There are days I don't think I should be in charge of myself. For real.

No one told you that as a parent you can feel every single feeling possibly identified all at once. Those humans rock me. I would die for each one of them and then there are days I understand why animals kill their young. Raising humans is hard, people. So very very very hard. I can't even find the words to explain the challenges we face.

I can tell you that my faith is the only (and best) thing holding me together. I rely on Him today and will continue until the day I die... which could happen rather quickly since I'm raising humans who make my hair change colors - who knows what's happening to the rest of my body.

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