Wednesday, October 21, 2015

All Grown Up (mostly)

17 years old.

It's a bit strange look back on pictures of you from when I first met you a little over 5 years ago. It seems like yesterday and decades ago all at once.

Your crooked teeth and growing out bangs.
Your sparkly and busy tops.
Your glasses and quiet nature.
Your introverted personality.

Now you're all grown up (mostly).
Gorgeous inside and out. A heart of gold and a spirit that shines.
A young woman who's got the world in reach.

You take time to be still with God every single day.
You are busy, busy, busy doing things you love with people you love.
You have a part-time job doing something you enjoy.
You make a loud sigh when I annoy you with a "no".  (it makes me laugh inside)
You are taking crazy hard classes so you can get to your goal quicker.
You are talkative and quiet all in one.
You love Grey's Anatomy (a little obsessively - ha!).
You are talking big dreams and goals (there's no doubt you'll reach them).
You are a Starbucks crazy junior.
You love the Royals.
You make me crazy proud.

I can't express in words how much I truly love you, A. You are a part of me, a part I didn't know I needed. I'm forever thankful to God for the gift of you in my life.

Happiest of birthdays Mlle A!
Je t'aime.

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