Monday, April 21, 2014

Middle School

Middle school hasn't been our favorite, huh?

And no middle schooler wants to hear "when I was your age"... so I won't.
I'll tell you that...

it will get easier.
you will find your stride.
confidence is building, it just takes time.
people change and change and change some more.
this is a learning time.
God allows for us to experience things in order to grow for and in Him.

You are such a good kid. You are wise and smart and handsome and sweet.
You are growing and learning and loving.

This is your time. This is your life. This is yours.
What will you make of it? What will you allow? What boundaries will you set? What values will you adopt?
I can hardly wait to see what the next 12 years bring... but not too fast.

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