Tuesday, November 29, 2016


So you are now an "adult".

18 on the 18th.
A golden birthday.

This past year has brought a ton of growth in you.

I've seen you step (tentatively) into leadership roles, take responsibility for your education, and really think through your future and what you want from it. You've decided and changed your mind and decided again.

I love this. I love to see you attempt adulting (which isn't always fun!) while still retaining your youth.

Currently you have loves (and even slight obsessions!) that have been super fun to watch:

  • Grey's Anatomy (this makes you a doctor/nurse/intern)
  • Leggings (the trend isn't dying anytime soon)
  • Shoes (no preference, you embrace them all)
  • Layering (another fashion trend that hangs on)
  • Calendar/Agenda book (who knew you'd like paper so much?!)
  • Chips and Salsa (I mean, what's not to love?!)
  • Smelly things (candles/candle warmers/plugins)
  • Popcorn (in the air popper!)
  • COFFEE (ha!)
  • Serving at PNO (heart)
There are several more things that interest you and all of them are shaping you into this beautiful young lady. 

I am praying that as you enter adulthood, you stay grounded in Him even when things don't seem so steady.

I love you very very much, Mlle Amelie.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A Decade of Perfect

Oh my sweet Monkey -

You turned 10 last month and our October was a bit crazy this year... So here I am, over a month late, writing all about you and your sweetness.

Buddy - 10. It was a hard one for me. You are growing much too fast.
Two full hands of fingers.

A decade of loving and laughing with you.
You are such a ham. I am loving every minute of this time in your life.

At 10 your interests include, Pokemon (we had to get a bigger binder for all those cards!), Minecraft, Dan TDM videos, playing baseball, scooter tricks, super heroes, movies, skateboard learning, and ice cream eating. You are unique and such a joy to have around.

You are still strong willed and I see it flourish into such good things.
You are a champion for justice. You want your opinion heard. You have solid arguments and reasons.

You have a best friend. Jett.
You are loyal to him. You are both very similar. Both strong and interesting.

You are finding your voice in our family.
Being the youngest is hard, but you are cracking out of the "baby" shell and into your own little person. You have thoughts on politics and religion and human rights. You have a voice and you want it heard.

You are still my biggest cuddler.
Even for just 5 minutes, you need that cuddle. I am forever thankful.

You don't like bad things.
It hurts your head and heart when shows about the harshness of life are on in the house. You can't stand to hear the stories or see the disaster of our world. I love that about your heart and I protect you from it as much as possible.

You, my sweet boy, have a spirit I pray never breaks. From the moment I prayed for you until today, my love has done nothing by grow. You are a part of the best of me.

I wish you the happiest of birthdays and I pray you hold fast to your identity in Him.
I love you,
